
Training Objectives:
Upon completion of the Yoga Nidra Course, graduates will:

  • Be able to teach Yoga Nidra in group and private settings

  • Use Yoga Nidra for Self-healing.

  • Have an understanding of the physiological basis of Yoga Nidra

  • Have an understanding of the History of Yoga Nidra.

Yoshiko Monson is the founder of Absolute Balance, LLC.  She is Clinical Ayurveda Specialist, Pancha Karma, ReachAyush CEO, member of Contemporary Healthcare Austin, TX and National Ayurvedic Medicine Association, and supervisor of Ayurveda Medicine Associate of Japan and E-RYT500. Yoshiko Monson has started practicing Yoga Nidra with Dr. Marc Halpern and officially teach California College of Ayurveda Yoga Nidra Teacher Training as faculty.

Recommendation Instruction Audio CD: Yoga Nidra Self Healing  Marc Halpern & Yoshiko Monson

About Yoga Nidra


Classically-Based Yoga Nidra

Learn techniques which will allow you to reach new states of conscious awareness with acute perception of both your physical and subtle body. As you practice these techniques you will feel the flow of prana move through physical, emotional, and energetic blockages. The end result is the healing of the body and mind and the expansion of consciousness. During the program, students will both experience yoga nidra, and learn how to teach it to others. Upon completion, students will be prepared to offer this service to their community.

This program qualifies for:

32 hours of Approved Professional Development with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) and
32 hours of Yoga Alliance (YA) Continuing Education credits.
CEUs are available for California nurses.  Nurses and health professionals can use yoga nidra to help their patients learn how to deeply relax to support their overall emotional and physical healing. ​

*This training is open to all interested in this deeply restful and healing practice. No prerequisites.

“Blessed to have the opportunity  to learn the practice of Yoga Nidra to relax mind and body from Yoshiko.  Over the time of practice I have lost weight, gained muscle and flexibility, and worked out many chronic health issues that had plagued me for years.  I highly recommend this extraordinary practice. "  
- Jason W Austin, TX

In learning in my life to relax and learn more about my body I have learned to rely on Yoga
Nidra. It helps me to learn to focus and listen to my body but most of all to learn to relax and give my body time to help heal itself.  Yoshiko has taught me how to use this to improve my health and mental awareness of my body.” 
- Patti Holly Muldoon, TX

“ I have recently been introduced to the practice of Yoga Nidra by my Ayurvedic Practitioner, Yoshiko Monsoon, who is extremely skilled and knowledgeable in the art of health and healing. She highly recommended the practice of Yoga Nidra on a regular basis. It is an amazing practice that is both deeply relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. I highly recommend this for anyone searching for healing in their lives!!”
- Tammy Mullican Pflugerville, TX

“Yoga Nidra teachers training in the mountains of Big Island which five elements well-balanced was amazing!  Opened the door of deep Yoga Nidra and led me to the next stage.  Yoshiko taught us with great deep love with patiently, and we learned Ayurvedic lifestyle and diet naturally through the training.  She gave me treasure-like experience!”  
- Yoshie Matsunami Tokyo Japan

“The yoganidra TTC in Hawaii offered me a great opportunity to escape from the reality of life and think about my heart and body. We're so thankful for Ms.Yoshiko that she really thinks well about us, students and always tries to provide us the best environment to learn yoganidra.”
- Momona Nawataya Tokyo, Japan


あなたがそのテクニックを鍛錬する時、プラーナの流れが 身体と感情とエネルギー閉鎖の中を動き通過していくのを感じるでしょう。その結果、身体と心と誇張した意識は治癒します。
このコースはヨガアライアンス認定講師 マンソン美子による指導者コースです。

•これは私の目覚めた意識と慈悲深い先生による最高に有益なヨガニードラのプログラムだった。 アンジェリーギャルウェイ
Recommendation Instruction Audio CD: Yoga Nidra Self Healing  Marc Halpern & Yoshiko Monson

Yoshiko Monson CAS, PKS, E-RYT500, Classical Yoga Nidra™ インストラクタートレーナー、クリニカルアユールヴェーダ専門医、ヒーラー、ヨガアライアンス認定講師。米国テキサス州 アブソリュート  バランス創始者。オースティンではコンテンポラリーヘルスケア、アユールヴェーダウェルネスでアユールヴェーダの診察を担当する。国際アユールヴェーダ医学協会NAMAメンバー。2019年春ReachMDs Inc, ReachAyush CEOに就任。 日本では2018年秋Ayurveda Medicine Associate Japan監修に就任。

カリフォルニアカレッジオブアユールヴェーダ卒業生で在学中ヨガニードラを患者への治療ツールとして学び、のちにCCA指導者育成プログラムに参加し現在はCCAファシリティーとしてClassical Yoga Nidra™指導者トレーニングコースを各地で開催している。ハルペンマーク博士「ヨガニードラと自己治療」日本語版CD翻訳、収録担当。